Global Experiences

BCMP's Best Global Experiences

East Asia
Country | Year | Project Name | Consulting |
South Korea | 2009 | FED Parcel-2A Land & Utility | Schedule Planning & Management |
Hong Kong | 2015 | Tseung Kwan O-Lam Tin Tunnel Project | Schedule Planning |

Middle East Asia
Country | Year | Project Name | Consulting |
Turkey | 2009 | Instanbul Strait Road Tunnel Crossing | Schedule Management |
Qatar | 2011 | Gas SCADA Upgrade Project | Schedule Planning |
Saudi Arabia | 2013 | King Abdullah Sports City Project | Schedule Management |
Kuwait | 2015 | Al-Zour Refinery Project | Schedule Management |
UAE | 2015 | Dubai Eye Project | Schedule Planning |

Country | Year | Project Name | Consulting |
Brazil | 2009 | High Speed Railway Project | Schedule Management |
Mexico | 2013 | Pilot Plant of Hydrometallurgy Plant of Boleo Copper Mine | Construction Supervision |

South East Asia / Oceania
Country | Year | Project Name | Consulting |
Singapore | 2015 | Thomson East Coast Line T302, T310, T313 | Schedule Management |
2011 | TUAS Line C1686, 1687 | Schedule Management | |
2009 | DTL-2 C915, C918 | Schedule Management | |
Australia | 2014 | Springsure Creek Coal Mining EPC | Schedule Planning |
Vietnam | 2014 | Nghi Son Refinery & Petrochemical Complex Project | Schedule Management |
2013 | Underground Oil Storage Quang Ngai Province | Detail Feasibility & Design | |
Thailand | 2013 | LPG Terminal Project | Schedule Planning |
Laos | 2013 | Nam Lik 1 Hydroelectric Power | Schedule Planning |
Indonesia | 2013 | Soekarno-Hatta International Airport | CM & Schedule Management |
Malaysia | 2012 | KV MRT Station Project | Schedule Planning & Mnanagement |
Sri Lanka | 2013 | Keels City Project | Schedule Planning |
2010 | Ruhunupuna Water Supply Project | Schedule Planning | |
India | 2012 | Mangalove Crude Oil sotrage cavern Project | Schedule Management |
2007 | Vizag Crude oil storage cavern Project | Schedule Management |